



内容的にはこの前のActing Upと同様、8月から始まるLes Miserables All-Star Staged Concertについて、最新アルバムSpotlightについて、Les Mis やPhantom出演時の思い出とかですね。

Spotlightについては、Pledgeを通してファンやサポートしてくれる人達と一緒に作る喜びをシェアしたかったし、フルオーケストラとの収録ができて、Spotlightが素晴らしいアルバムに仕上がったこととか、収録曲の一曲、You Raise Me Upは今までコンサートの後なんかに、何人もの人にぜひ歌ってほしいって言われ続けてきたので、今回のラインナップに入れた話とか。そういえばPledge Musicからの未払金は約25000ポンド程だとか。決して少ない金額じゃないし、なによりみんながSpotlight制作に賛同してPledgeしてくれたものだから、JOJさんも本当に悔しいと思うけど、でも、まあなんていうか... (もっと大きな金額じゃなくて良かったよ、ホント。いや、決して安い金額ではないのよ、でもね、ちょっとホッとした・汗。まあ、そんなことまで言っちゃっていいの?とも思ったけどさ^^;)

London Liveでのインタビュー映像から

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West End star, John Owen Jones is preparing to head back to the role of Jean Valjean this summer for a special all-star concert of Les Miserables.
So far this year John has already released an album and he's set to be performing in the capital this month.
Alicia Edwards caught up with him as he popped into London live.


Podcast- My Boyfriend Hates Musicals 30/04/2019
The Penultimate episode of Series 2! Elise takes Scott to a press night that could just be the worst experience of his life. We also chat musicals we love and hate (including YOURS too!) AND we have a stupendous guest in the form of musical theatre legend John Owen Jones to chat his new album Spotlight, Les Miserables at the Gielgud Theatre and more! Get ready for some serious fangirling...

Resonance FM Curtain Up Show 17/05/2019
Tim McArthur, Nathan Matthews and guests discuss London's thriving theatre scene. Today’s guests: Gary Tushaw, Anna O’Byrne and Danielle Tarento from Amour at the Charing Cross Theatre; and Les Miserables star John Owen-Jones. Visit thecurtainupshow.com for more information. In association with TodayTix.

John Owen-Jones, A Company Stage Manager & Your Take On 9-5!
This week we chat to the LOVELY John Owen-Jones about his favourite role playing John Valjean in Les Miserables. We go backstage to find out what a company Stage Manager does, hear your take on the hit new musical 9-5, plus all the latest news and gossip for your theatre week.


BBC Radio Wales Wynne Evans show 16/05/2019  6/15まで視聴可
"Best known for his starring roles in Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera, musical theatre star John Owen-Jones tells Wynne Evans about his forthcoming tour and new album."
