

3/24付Wigan Evening NewsのJOJさんインタビュー/Surrender to Music of Nightって何て素敵な記事タイトル/先生になりたかったそうですよ

Pさんに教えてもらった3月24日付マンチェスターの「Wigan Evening News」のインタビュー記事です(いつも本当にありがとう!らぶ♪)。これまずタイトルにしびれました。Surrender to Music of Nightね。ああ、もうこのセンス素晴らしい。内容もとてもいいです。この写真もいちばん好き♪新アルバムのジャケットと違って本人っぽい(爆)。先生になりたかった、将来俳優で食べていけるか不安だった、学校出たらファミリービジネス(食肉加工業Butcher business)に入ればといわれてたけど自分は向いてないと思ってたこと、お父さんから5年の猶予をもらった、等々、ファン目線的にとてもナイスです。徐々に訳入れていきます(たぶん^^;)。
イメージ 1
もうひとつUrikoさまに教えていただいたラブリーJOJさん写真と共に見つけた素敵なJOJ`s wordsがあったのでピックアップしときます。あーもう、すてきなんですけど。で、もしかしてやっぱり性格いいのかな。時々周囲を寒くさせてるツイ^^;とかは単にウエールズ人的に正直だからなのかな。これほんと素敵♪JOJさんが頭が良いのは知ってたけどほんといいと思う(壊れ気配)
I don’t think there was one real defining moment in my life when my passion for music was ignited but there were certainly some key moments that made me aware of how music would become incredibly important to me. The first time I heard the satisfying crunch of a distorted guitar. The first time I heard the thrilling sound of Pavarotti in full flight. The first time I heard the warmth of a male voice choir. The first time I heard my grandfather sing. I can clearly remember my grandfather singing to himself as we went on walks together and asking him why he did that. His reply was that he sang whenever he felt happy and that it made him happy to sing. My lasting memory of him was that he was always happy. I realise now that statement affected me in a profound way and ever since then music, no matter what genre, has been a source of joy for me. To me, all music is good music as someone, somewhere will be made happy by it.
John Owen-Jones, on finding his passion for music (from Proper Music)